
Final Expense Coverage in Pennsylvania

A multitude of Americans presently secures final expense insurance, recognizing its significance—a testament to its potential importance for you as well. Final expense insurance stands out as a life insurance variant more likely to accommodate individuals with pre-existing conditions, potentially disqualifying them from other life insurance alternatives.

For Pennsylvania residents devoid of life insurance, final expense warrants consideration, characterized by reasonable pricing and valuable benefits.

Understanding Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance, also known as funeral insurance, constitutes a whole life insurance policy with benefits generally not as substantial as those in traditional life insurance. As implied by its name, final expense insurance addresses end-of-life expenses, encompassing remaining medical bills, funerals, and cremation or burial costs. While the benefits are modest, they typically suffice to cover the average end-of-life expenses incurred by most Americans.

Fortunately, qualifying for a final expense plan is straightforward. These policies eliminate the need for a medical exam, easing the process for those with pre-existing conditions—a contrast to traditional life plans. With advancing age, final expense insurance gains greater appeal, especially as health conditions tend to emerge. It's important to note that individuals with identified adverse health risks during the application may experience higher costs for final expense insurance.

Yes! I Want This Coverage

Typical Final Expense Amounts in Pennsylvania

Final expense insurance delivers funds applicable to any expenses linked to the end of life. In Pennsylvania, where the average funeral costs approximately $7,000 and end-of-life medical expenses can exceed $10,000, families may face a $20,000 burden upon your demise.

A final expense insurance plan provides the necessary resources, potentially with some remainder to replace your income briefly, depending on the death benefit size. With plans ranging between $30 and $70 per month, the investment makes practical sense.

We Shop Carriers for You in Pennsylvania

Senior Life Services, an independent entity, has aided thousands in finding insurance coverage, leveraging access to premier companies in the Keystone State. Instead of dedicating hours to online coverage searches, entrust an expert for efficient legwork.

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